23rd annual Detroit
Greek independence Day Parade Information & Marching Orders
GENERAL Logistics
UPDATE (1/2025):
Parade marching route, logistics and order to be announced soon.
marching ROUTE
1. You must inform us about your vehicle or float before the parade or it will not be allowed
in the parade. All float themes must be approved in advance.
2. No advertising permitted, except for official sponsors, without the parade committee’s
advance approval.
3. No cars will be permitted in the parade unless decorated or pulling a float.
4. Have your vehicle/float at the marshaling area at 1:30 p.m. (The marshaling area is on
Monroe Street in front of the Compuware Building.) We need you to arrive before the
marchers because it is too difficult to position the vehicles/floats when people are walking
5. Please bring your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to the
parade. We will check this information before you are allowed to drive.
6. We will have many small children in the parade. We do not want any of them injured by a
vehicle. Please be alert at all times.
7. Do not allow anyone to throw candy or other objects from your vehicle or float. Our
insurance company insists that we enforce this policy. Other parades have had incidents
where children ran into the street to fetch the candy and were hit by a vehicle.
8. If you are using music, it must have a Greek theme.
9. Continue all the way down Monroe Street. Do not park your vehicle on the parade route.
Questions should be directed to Tom Christy (248–910–8662, tchristy@greekparades.com)